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Repentance has a social connotation of hard work, of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, and proving yourself worthy to be called Christian. But what if I told you that repentance is a call to rest?

We often read the story of Esther and consider that “for such a time as this” moments are always huge, society-changing, mass deliverance-causing, headline-making times. But every day the Lord has ordained for us in this world is “such a time” for which we were created. Our gifts, our light, our relationship with Jesus (and with one another), our words, thoughts, and deeds are needed every day.

There is no insignificant part of the body. Every limb, organ, blood vessel, and cell has its purpose and serves the God who made them. Likewise, everyone created in God’s image has a purpose and was created for such a time as this.